DCL Insights
DCL in the News, Published Research, White Papers
DCL in the News
Vice Magazine
Librarians Are Finding Thousands Of Books No Longer Protected By Copyright Law
“It is the history of American creativity. I think that the data should be usable not just by us, by the libraries, but by everyone. I think it belongs to the people and is the people’s data.”
- Greg Cram, New York Public Library
Information Today
Hallucinate, Confabulate, Obfuscate: The State of Artificial Intelligence Today
If there were an award for webinar titles, Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL) and its Oct. 12 program, “Hallucinate, Confabulate, Obfuscate: The Perils of Generative AI Going Rogue,” would surely be in the running.
The New York Times
Ending the Pain of Data Transfers
''The most expensive part of switching to a new generation, more than the hardware and software, is in converting the documents and data that they have accumulated over the years,'' said Mark Gross, president of Data Conversion Laboratories. That company was one of the first to identify the need for data conversion, which is now a multibillion-dollar industry.
Industry Publications
Balisage 2024
Ensuring XML Quality and Compatibility in Large Collections That Span Decades of Content
One of the promises of XML applications and related technologies is the consistency and longevity of data created through their use. But meeting the promise doesn’t happen without careful curation. In practice, for large applications such as JATS, there are many users of varying skill levels, with differing understanding of the XML process.
JATS Con 2022
Identifying XML Issues That Impact Content Interchange
Publishers’ content collections are complex, often spanning decades, during which time standards have evolved. Version 1.0 of the Journal Publishing Tag Set (aka NLM DTD) was released in February 2003. Thus, content that used the NLM DTD is significantly different from the current specification—NISO JATS Version 1.3.
SSP Annual Meeting 2024
Fluid Article Production:
Using AI to Automate XML Creation
Consistently good XML post-peer review, delivers advantages to publishers and authors alike. Good XML at the beginning of the publishing workflow streamlines downstream editorial and production tasks and tagging a manuscript immediately after peer review provides the mechanisms to support research integrity and AI iniatives.
JATS Con 2021
Leaping the Field: Jumping From PDF to NISO STS
In 2017, AWWA embarked on an initiative to transform its publishing workflow by taking the corpus of current and historical Standards and Manuals and converting the content stored in PDF documents into standardized XML formats: NISO STS and BITS.
Balisage 2023
Pulling All Production Processes Together with an XML-First System
Creating a seamless centralized workflow that starts with XML has long been the siren song of scholarly journal production workflows. Yet the definition of “start” is the critical piece in this publishing puzzle. Innovating article production truly means starting with XML as soon as a manuscript is accepted after peer review.
White Papers
content structure, semantic enrichment, digital transformation, New York Public Library, American Water Works Association
NLM, NLM conversion, agile development, quality assurance, Optica Publishing Group, XML conversion services
data harvesting, web crawling, DCL Data Harvester, XML feeds, automation
image-based PDFs, automated transformation, United States Patent and Trademark Office, content structure, XML feeds