Case Studies
Delivering customer success since 1981
Technologies Used
Automated QC software
Project highlights
8-month XML conversion project
22K+ pages converted
Analysis, specification development, conversion, QA/QC, XML delivery
“Converting AWWA content to NISO STS improves the publishing process and opens up the opportunity for new product development and digital delivery. But more importantly, NISO STS benefits the larger Standards community with an infrastructure that better enables the dissemination of ideas and technologies. We are proud to lead this charge.”
-Dan Berger, Senior Manager of Production, AWWA
American Water Works Association
NISO STS XML Conversion
Keywords: conversion, NISO STS, standards, XML
The American Water Works Association (AWWA) is an international, nonprofit, scientific and educational society dedicated to providing total water solutions and assuring the effective management of water. Founded in 1881, AWWA is the largest organization of water supply professionals in the world.
AWWA's standards were available as print documents and PDFs, which users could download or print, but the organization had long realized there was a need to bring its content into a more robust digital format to suit modern usage expectations for search and usability.
DCL worked with AWWA to transform its standards content to NISO STS XML. The NISO STS Standards Tag Suite, is a standard for Standards XML. It defines a suite of XML elements and attributes that describes the full-text content and metadata of standards-related information. NISO STS preserves the intellectual content of Standards independent of the form in which that content was originally delivered.
The critical components of analysis, specification, conversion, QA/QC, and final delivery were included in the scope of this project.
In just 8 months, DCL transformed AWWA’s PDF content to NISO STS XML. The NISO STS conversion enables the content to better fit users’ workflows. The new format helps with indexing and searching and supports improved discoverability of AWWA’s content. Search is more granular in the XML format and new product development, as well as improved digital delivery of content, is now available. As AWWA develops new content, it will be published using this XML format.