Audit, Analysis, and Insight Into Your Content Library
Do all my xrefs properly link?
Are there errors in my DOIs?
Do subject category metadata align with my current taxonomy?
Content Clarity from DCL provides a deep analysis of a publisher’s entire catalog to answer these questions and many more. We audit and generate insights that allow organizations to view a collection based on specific content metrics. The Content Clarity Report illustrates where you have issues or errors in XML files, metadata, DOIs, xrefs, and more.
Errors and issues with content structure are costly. The key business drivers for XML are to improve interoperability and facilitate discoverability. Publishers that strategize and plan for organizational change to the development, production, and distribution of content must have a clear picture of content structure across the entire collection.
Many scholarly publishers have content that spans decades with no single person in-house who has collective knowledge about that content. In the daily cycle to process and publish new research, the task of analyzing the current library can seem daunting. Content Clarity is a minimal investment that yields big returns helping you understand the obstacles that hinder access and discoverability.
We provide clarity checks that ensure your collection is cohesive and error-free.
Clarity Checks
Invalid assets
Missing callouts
DOI conflicts
Invalid XML/Parsing errors
DTD list
ISSN info
Bad date
Missing ref-list title
Missing article title
Duplicate IDs within an article
Missing self-uri PDF
Missing volume/issue
Subject categories
Number of files
Byte count
Full text vs header-only count
PDF pages
and so much more
"Modernizing our content platform was critical to maintaining the pace and professional publishing environment at AIPP. Additionally, we recognized that this massive undertaking would provide deep insight into issues in our content structure that impact downstream discovery. What we did not anticipate was the amount of content and assets that required XML updates that DCL demonstrated would improve our content performance.”
Ann Michael
Chief Digital Transformation Officer
Are You Migrating Platforms?
While a content audit is useful anytime, a platform migration is a perfect time to analyze your catalog and optimize your content structure.
Contact us today to learn how easy it is to get started!
Content Clarity Answers the Tough Questions
How do I audit metadata for legacy content?
What errors lurk in our old articles?

"Content Clarity helps us triage issues across content platforms. The reporting was thorough and more information was provided than I expected."
Industries Served
Content Clarity can analyze the content structure in various document sets. Contact us to learn more!