Now Publishers is a globally recognized academic press, known for its exceptional peer-reviewed publications across business, economics, computer science, and engineering. With a strong reputation among readers, authors, editors, and librarians, Now Publishers is a trusted source for high-quality academic content.
Academic libraries base content purchases on usage statistics, so it's essential for publishers to be easily found on major discovery platforms and through prominent abstracting and indexing (A&I) services. Now Publishers needed a targeted strategy to enhance the discoverability of its content, aiming to drive more library subscriptions to its journals.
In a crowded publishing landscape, smaller publishers can struggle to capture the attention of A&I databases. This challenge makes it difficult for them to ensure that content structures, packaging, and metadata are not only accepted across various platforms but also fully optimized for maximum discoverability.
Now Publishers licensed DCL’s Discovery Bridge service to ensure content and metadata are structured according to each research discovery platform. Following a brief set up process, DCL works on behalf of Now Publishers and communicates with the targeted discovery platforms.
DCL utilizes a custom hot folder to retrieve content packages from Now, including article PDFs, JATS Header XML, and KBART metadata files. Automated quality assurance checks ensure each package is complete and accurate. DCL then formats and bundles the content and metadata to align with each discovery platform’s unique specifications. DCL oversees the submission process to confirm successful content and metadata loading, performing any needed remediation to meet platform standards and providing on-demand customized reporting.
We were struggling to confirm that our data feeds to third parties were being received and processed properly. DCL created a hub through which our data is sent reliably and with traceability, providing us with the confidence levels we need in the distribution of vital discovery data. DCL have proven to be a flexible and reliable partner throughout the process and continue to provide excellent support in establishing new feeds and features. I would thoroughly recommend them to any publisher needing help in distributing discovery metadata.
—Mike Casey, Owner, Now Publishers
Now Publishers has successfully bridged the gap between its published content and the intricate network of discovery vendors. Through a continuous, optimized feed of journal content, XML, and metadata, each package is bundled with the applicable content required by the individual platform. An affordable Discovery Bridge subscription ensures that Now’s content is seamlessly and reliably distributed to ACM, Clarivate, DOAJ, EBSCO, Elsevier, OCLC, Portico, ProQuest/Ex Libris, and The IET.