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Data Conversion Laboratory Surpasses 1 Million Mark of Conference Proceedings Production
Supporting Research and Academia With Timely Production and Distribution of Conference Papers
Fresh Meadows, NY, April 14, 2020 – Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL), an industry leader in structured data and content transformations, today announces it surpassed the 1 million page count for the production of conference proceedings from the world’s leading scholarly publishing societies and associations. Conference proceedings comprise a collection of academic papers published in the context of scientific and academic meetings.
“This milestone of 1 million conference proceeding pages is significant to DCL internally but also reiterates the critical relevance of conference proceedings to the scientific community as a whole,” explains Mark Gross, President of DCL. “We work with a number of distinguished publishers who rely on conference proceedings as the key method to disseminate research information and move a field of study forward.”
Conference proceedings play a vital role in research and scientific innovation. Many of today’s top emerging technologies, discoveries, and research stem from conference proceeding papers. Along with journal publications, conference proceedings are an important source of information for scientists and researchers to understand developments in their fields of study.
Speed to publication is critical for conference proceedings and DCL integrates machine learning and natural language processing to transform a submitted Word-based paper into an XML structure with appropriate metadata tagging. DCL is a proven industry leader in structuring data and content to various industry standards, including XML, DITA, S1000D, STS, and other custom schemas.
DCL is an active member and participant of industry organizations that support the management and effective interchange of data and content such as the Center for Information-Development Management (CIDM), National Information Standards Organization (NISO), Book Industry Study Group (BISG), and Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP). Click here to learn more about DCL’s services and solutions.
About Data Conversion Laboratory
Data Conversion Laboratory (DCL) provides data and content transformation services and solutions. Using the latest innovations in artificial intelligence, including machine learning and natural language processing, DCL helps businesses organize and structure data and content for modern technologies and platforms. With expertise across many industries including publishing, life sciences, government, manufacturing, technology and professional organizations, DCL uses its advanced technology and U.S.-based project management teams to solve the most complex conversion challenges securely, accurately and on time. DCL is the industry leader in XML content conversion, DITA conversion, S1000D conversion, SPL conversion services, and so much more. Founded in 1981, DCL was named one of EContent's Top 100 Companies in the Digital Content Industry.