Structured Product Labeling (SPL)
Regulatory and Compliance Services
SPL and ACA6004
Structured and Enriched
Structured Product Labeling (SPL) is a standard used by the FDA community to facilitate the communication of drug labeling data reliability among various groups such as the FDA, hospitals, prescribing organizations, doctors, and the general public. SPL is an HL7 and ANSI-approved standard. Since 2005, the FDA CDER division has provided guidance that all human prescription products be provided in SPL. Other FDA divisions have required SPL filing since June of 2009, including:
Biologics (CBER)
Veterinary (CVM)
Office of Nonprescription Products (ONP)
Medical Devices (CDHR)
DCL’s professional team is expert in offering comprehensive SPL conversion services to handle all product types. DCL is a member of SPL Working Group. Our SPL conversion services include prescription drugs, OTC products, veterinary medicine, homeopathic products, and bulk ingredients. We also provide consulting and project management services for organizations that have or plan to develop internal capabilities. This hybrid approach will ensure your project is planned effectively and efficiently. We will be available to train and mentor your internal team throughout the project development.
DCL’s SPL process includes:
Client completes DCL designed spreadsheet for SPL information except for content of labeling and images
DCL converts content of labeling documents (for drug listings) and client-completed spreadsheet to XML-SPL
DCL crops and resizes images
DCL provides delivery of SPL folder ready for gateway submission
DCL supports the following requirements:
Lot Distribution Reports and Blanket No Change Certifications
Generic Drug Facility Self-Identification
Blanket No Change Certification
Human-Compounded Drug Label
Bulk ingredient listings
Wholesale Drug Distributor/Third-Party Logistics Facility Report
Gateway submissions (optional)
Drug Sample Transparency Act (ACA6004)
The FDA now requires pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors to report their distributions of drug samples under the Drug Sample Transparency Act (ACA 6004) specification. Like SPL, reporting is done using XML and through the FDA’s Electronic Submissions Gateway. DCL can review your ACA 6004 data on the distributions, and either convert it to XML as is or, as with SPL, provide a workbook for you to enter the data. You can then either submit the XML through the gateway or have us submit it for you.
DCL's SPL Workbooks
The following workbooks help us convert your pharma information into the SPL format. Please select the appropriate workbook based on a conversation with your DCL project manager. You can save a copy of the workbook to your local environment and then submit it back to DCL.
Markets Served
DCL's transformation services are ideal for all industries that need to transform static content (paper or image-based PDFs) into digital and semantically enriched structured content.