Fluid Article Production: Using AI to Automate XML Creation
2024 Annual Meeting
Poster Session

Advantages to publishers and authors
View the accompanying video presentation of a poster presented at the Society for Scholarly Publishing 2024 Annual Meeting.
Learn how DCL helps publishers structure manuscripts into JATS XML for seamless content interchange and management.
Automate Word-to-XML production
This poster is about getting research out to the scholarly community in a structure that facilitates information exchange. That structure is XML. For the past two decades, the benefits of XML-based workflows in scholarly publishing have been recognized. However, its value has been primarily as a final delivery and archiving format. In most publishing workflows, the XML is created at the end of the process.
Tools and technologic advances have evolved in terms of both economy and functionality and this presentation explains how the synergy of AI and XML improves the speed of delivering accurate research to the scholarly community.