DCL and Related Technology Milestones
Structuring Data and Content Since 1981
Adam Osborne introduced the first portable computer, the Osborne 1, which weighed about 25 pounds, ran the CP/M 2.2 operating system, and cost $1,899.
Standard Generalized Markup Language
SGML becomes an ISO standard - ISO 8879:1986 Information processing – Text and office systems
The World Wide Web Invented
Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989 while working as a software engineer at CERN in Switzerland

MindReader by DCL
DCL launches its visual text structure recognition (intuitive mark-up) software that has enough intelligence to make most SGML decisions automatically
New York Newsday
The information conversion business "grows up"
DCL in the New York Times
Ending the pain of data transfers is a featured article in the New York Times

How to enter ten thousand pages of data in ten keystrokes—call DCL!

DCL established 1981
Bristol-Myers Squibb
DCL converts 860 Xerox discs to Multimate forrmat

Portable Document Format Emerges
Dr. John Warnock launches The Camelot Project
W3C Founded in 1994
The World Wide Web Consortium is an international community that develops open standards to ensure the long-term growth of the Web
DCL's First Website Goes Live
DCL launches the first iteration of its website and the first online edition of the DCL Newsletter
Wizzy the Owl
DCL creates the world's first cartoon series about SGML
Hello, XML!
The W3C publishes XML 1.0 specification
XML Handbook
DCL's methodology for implementing large-scale document conversion projects is the subject of a chapter in Charles Goldfarb's XML Handbook