Structuring Data and Content Since 1981
DCL and Related Technology Milestones
The NLM DTD/JATS project originated at NIH in 2002. It was based on the earlier PMC 1.0 DTD, and the E-Journal Archive DTD Feasibility Study, a 2001 report prepared by Inera Inc. under a Mellon Foundation grant for the Harvard University Libraries.
DCL releases the first iteration of its Harmonizer software to analyze and identify redundant content
DITA Specification
DITA is an OASIS Open standard that was first published in 2005 and the DITA architecture was originally developed inside IBM for IBM technical publications
The IDPF releases the technical standard for ePUB
DCL Celebrates 25 Years in Business
"Converting your data into corporate assets"

DCL named to EContent 100, a list of companies that matter most in the digital content industry
DCL hits 200 million converted pages milestone
Apple releases the first iPad
DCL on the cover of Publishers Weekly